What is Evolution?
We are so much more than a bootcamp. We are your personal training solution with a philosophy on fitness. Check out how your week at evo could look.
Group fitness comes with plenty of advantages. Beyond the physical benefit, you gain new friends and receive encouragement from other people who are also looking to get fit and healthy like you. When you add an outdoor element, getting fit with other people becomes even more exhilarating and beneficial. So if you are looking to join a group class how do you know which ones will work for you? Here are five helpful tips for choosing the ideal group fitness training class — outdoors. Choose group fitness training that is suitable for you. If you’re just starting out on the path of fitness training, make sure the sessions are graded to suit all fitness levels. Joining a class that suits your level of fitness will help you catch up and improve easily. Consider outdoor group fitness training that offers variety. So look at group fitness sessions that combine different activities in one session. For instance, a class could combine fun, agility routines with Pilates or yoga with strength training. Going through a diverse range of fitness routines is not only more enjoyable and engaging, but also better for achieving your fitness goals. |
We are so much more than a bootcamp. We are your personal training solution with a philosophy on fitness. Check out how your week at evo could look.
Our clients are amazing! From all walks of life, all on their own journeys, yet connected through community. Read their stories and see what they have to say.
We are about more than just training. We donate prosthetic limbs to amputees in Bolivia. Just by turning up to training, you are helping us give back through the You Move Me Project.
Check out our intro offer, redeem vouchers, prizes, gifts and get started now.